Bouquet of Roses, Wine and Chocolates


Surprise that special person by sending this beautiful Bouquet of Roses, Wine and Chocolates (without base) with

  • Roses
  • Green Foliage
  • 1 box of Ferrero Rocher Chocolates of 8 units
  • A bottle of Red Wine

The sale of intoxicating beverages to minors is prohibited. Law 124 of 1994. Excess alcohol is harmful to health. Law 30 of 1986.

Mensaje en tu Tarjeta Regalo *


The Bouquet of Roses, Wine and Chocolates is the ideal gift for any occasion. (Wine and chocolates may vary depending on availability).

The elements that make up the floral design such as bases, decorations, boxes, wines, chocolates, balloons, stuffed animals, flowers, fruits and colors may differ from the reference image, and these are subject to any changes required according to the availability, however we do our best to please our customers even in the smallest details.

Additional information

Dimensions 20 × 50 cm

1 review for Bouquet of Roses, Wine and Chocolates

  1. Spanish
    5 out of 5

    Andres Garzon

    El servicio es espectacular al igual que sus arreglos florales, van más allá en la atención, no se les escapa ningún detalle, felices con el resultado.
    Vivo fuera del país y hacer el pedido y cancelar es muy fácil, gracias por hacer que podamos hacer felices a nuestros seres queridos. Los recomiendo al 100

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