
Scarlet Flower Arrangement


Never stop captivating that special being, send him this beautiful and majestic Scarlet Floral Arrangement in a wicker basket or similar, which contains

  • 24 roses
  • Green Foliage

Ideal for gifts on any special occasion such as weddings, graduations, anniversaries, among others…

Mensaje en tu Tarjeta Regalo *


The elements that make up the majestic Scarlet Flower Arrangement such as bases, decorations, boxes, wines, chocolates, balloons, stuffed animals, flowers, fruits and colors, may differ from the reference image, and these are subject to any changes required. depending on availability, however we do our best to please our customers even in the smallest details.

Additional information

Dimensions 30 × 50 cm

3 reviews for Scarlet Flower Arrangement

  1. Spanish
    5 out of 5


    Una excelente floristería la atención de primera, los productos excelentes, el servicio obtenido el mejor realice una compra desde el exterior y el envío llego a tiempo y lo mejor que existe variedad para poder realizar los pagos muchas bendiciones siempre

  2. Spanish
    5 out of 5

    Alejandro Zapata

    Profesionales en el tema de las flores te atenderán siempre con una sonrisa y total disposición, más que recomendado el lugar y los precios… Un lugar definitivamente para calificarlo con 5 estrellas

  3. English
    5 out of 5

    Angelica A.

    It has always been difficult for me to find a company from the USA that has beautiful gifts that can be taken to my loved ones in Colombia… but after so much searching I finally found Floristería Flores Cundinamarca, you not only have flowers but many more options of gifts… My mom was delighted with the paddle I sent her! Thank you for making the process so easy for those of us who are out of the country…100% recommended

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